2 Jan 2015 – Monthly updates for: Stock Liquidity, and Market Index Constituents

As I do at the end of each month, my own list of Liquid Stocks, and my list of Which stocks are in each index? have been updated.

I use the updated list of Liquid Stocks each month for the following few weeks, so that my universe of investment candidates is limited to those 400 or so stocks which are liquid enough (according to my definition) so that I should be able to close a position quickly if I want to.

My lists of stocks in each index is used for reference at a later time – for when I want to know which stocks were in an index, at some time in the past.

About ShareMarketToolbox

Share market analyst and Nimble Short Term Investor, with my Share Market Toolbox to help investors and traders. And this blog is a historical record of the updates and changes to the Toolbox content.
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